Also, we're happy to announce that
Casual Connect returns to Ukraine, October 24-26, in an event designed to harness the energy of Eastern Europe's independent developers and startup culture. Ukraine boasts a bustling tech and video game sector full of innovation and independent development.
Casual Connect Kyiv is about matching the creativity of the games industry with new media innovation and investment to find the next big thing. Kyiv is a fun and beautiful city filled with history, culture and representing the cutting edge of gaming.
Join us in Kyiv, Eastern Europe's hub of gaming and tech, and explore how your creativity and business can merge to create beautiful games. Over 80 leaders in emerging markets of the games industry will discuss game design, casino, funding, next-generation technology, best practices and more.
We believe solid partnerships can conquer the market. Drop us a line to schedule a personal meeting with our representatives in Amsterdam or Kyiv.