Check out these astonishing features:
Vuforia Model Targets recognize objects by shape, in contrast to existing methods that rely on detailed visual designs typically found on print media, product packaging and many consumer goods. Model Targets are perfect for attaching digital content to industrial equipment, automobiles or home appliances.
Vuforia Ground Plane enables digital content to be placed on the ground, floor, or tabletop, providing an ideal solution for you to build visualization apps, ranging from in-home furniture shopping to AR design reviews. Ground Plane will support a wide range of devices starting with ARKit enabled iOS devices – and extending to the broadest range of popular Android and iOS devices.
Vuforia Fusion, is a new capability designed to solve the problem of fragmentation in AR enabling technologies such as cameras, sensors, chipsets, and software frameworks like ARKit and ARCore. With Vuforia Fusion, your application will automatically provide the best experience possible with no extra work required on your end.
Impressed with the new AR technology capability, looking for VR or Game developers? BidOn Games Studio is ready to assist, don't hesitate, to
contact us!